__1.__What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Always having a smile. Smiling is contagious, so just by having a smile, it brings happiness and joy to your life.
__2.__What is your greatest fear?
Never finding true love. Love is something that everyone hopes, so not having it is scary because you are alone.
__3.__What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Being nice is a trait because without being nice, there is no impression that you leave on people.
__4.__What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Having sympathy is a trait that a lot of people forget about that can tell a lot about how they care for others.
__5.__Which living person do you most admire?
My mom because she is the bravest and strongest person that I will ever know.
__6.__What is your greatest extravagance?
Traveling Belize because we experienced so much adventures that I will never experience again in my life.
__7.__What is your current state of mind?
My current state of mind is dead because school has exhausted all of the work and creativity out of my brain.
__8.__What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
True Love because I believe that there is multiple people that you can find love with, but it is the ability to be open to love.
__9.__On what occasion do you lie?
When I need to because not much people want to hear the truth, even if they do not know it.
__10.__What do you most dislike about your appearance?
My smile because I feel that it could be so much nicer that allows people to be more kind and genuine.
__11.__Which living person do you most despise?
No one because despising someone is rude, but strong disliking a person is another situation.
__12.__What is the quality you most like in a man?
Honestly because without the honest opinion from them, there is no bond.
__13.__What is the quality you most like in a woman?
Idk because they are all good friends to me.
__14.__Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Like... because I am not sure what to say the moment.
__15.__What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My family because there is a bond within us that will be there no matter what happens in life.
__16.__When and where were you happiest?
I find it from nature because it has a calm sense that is soothing to my soul.
__17.__Which talent would you most like to have?
Singing because I can not sing good.
__18.__If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My smile because I think that my smile is annoying.
__19.__What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Living up to my moms expectations
__20.__If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
The ocean
__21.__Where would you most like to live?
__22.__What is your most treasured possession?
My soul
__23.__What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Having no soul left
__24.__What is your favorite occupation?
Zoo keeper
__25.__What is your most marked characteristic?
__26.__What do you most value in your friends?
__27.__Who are your favorite writers?
Dr. Suess
__28.__Who is your hero of fiction?
__29.__Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Princess Diana
__30.__Who are your heroes in real life?
My mom and brothers
__31.__What are your favorite names?
__32.__What is it that you most dislike?
Annoying scratches on a white board or styrofoam
__33.__What is your greatest regret?
My father
__34.__How would you like to die?
In my sleep
__35.__What is your motto?
Just try.