- moisturizer in my room it made me feel calm because i like the feeling of smoothness on my skin
- coconut shampoo in the shower made me feel happy because it reminded me of my childhood
- hairspray in the salon made me happy because it reminders me that I am getting all dolled up and it is a treat
- chili in zippys makes me sad because i would always get chili when I lost a game when I was younger
- salt by the ocean made me happy because I spent everyday in the ocean
- fruity perfume at prom made me feel excited because it was prom night
- sweat at hula rehearsals made me sad because it reminds me that the seniors are leaving
- spam on sunday morning reminds me of happiness because I love food
- old spice from my deodorant makes me happy because it reminds me of my brothers and I don’t see them anymore
- picking pua’ kini kini from halau makes me happy because it reminds me of my hula brothers and sisters